The amount you borrow depends on your income and how much a lender is prepared to lend on your chosen property. A good rule of thumb would be to multiply your annual income by 3 or 4 times. OR give us give a call to get a more accurate idea of how much you can borrow.
This is what we do best! We will get to know you, your financial history and future goals and then will offer some options on what will work best for you.
Our experience means we have the expertise to help anyone get their home repaid quicker. We will be with you from start to finish to make the process effortless. We also offer annual reviews to keep you on track.
Your deposit is probably going to be your biggest hurdle in getting your first home. If you are just starting on your savings journey maybe look at a five-year plan and set aside something each month until you reach your goal. There are a number of lenders that accept as little as a 5% deposit. So it could be much easier than you think!
So you are ready to purchase your first home - pretty exciting! While we acknowledge this will be a milestone in your life, it will perhaps be one of the largest purchases you will make which in itself can be a little daunting. Get in touch with us and we can look at how much you can borrow so you are looking at the right property for you and your circumstances. We can even get the bank to pre-approve your loan!
So you have sorted out how much you can borrow for your mortgage and you have finally matched it with a home you love - wahoo well done you! We recommend doing your research so you don't overpay but also so you don't too offer too little. Once your offer has been accepted get in touch with us so we can get things moving.
B. Cairns
Scott Gibbens
Nathan Collett